Monday, September 27, 2010

I apologize for not wearing better clothes this week - but I literally did not put on anything nice or belly revealing ALL weekend! We have been working hard on our house, thus my excuse for comfy clothes all weekend.

This weekend I discovered the greatness of the "bella band". Oh my word where has it been all my life?! It basically holds up your pants if you want to unbutton the top button. This week I really felt the need to unbutton the button. I can still button my pants, it just gets uncomfortable. So I busted out the bella band and oh my word it is pure heaven! I really feel like it "holds me in". I know some people can't stand to have stuff on their belly, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. In fact, I HATE stretchy jeans because I don't feel like they are holding me in enough. I still wear them, but I prefer strong denim jeans with NO flexibility. I also hate low rise jeans. I prefer mid to high rise jeans because I like how it comes up over my belly and holds it in, that way my stomach doesn't hang out or flow over for that muffin top effect. I might just continue to wear the bella band after my pregnancy because it holds me in so good! I guess you could compare it to SPANX for the pregnant woman's belly. Lol.

Most of you probably heard about our little "encounter" at our house (old house) this week, where some guys followed Josh home and then pulled up and asked Josh why he was following them? What the heck? Josh had to pull out the badge and tell them to get the heck away or they would be in for some trouble. But that still didn't get them to leave. He was about to call in for back up but they finally left. Thank goodness he had his gun strapped to him. He still called it in to his buddies on duty, and we had a cop car sit out and watch our house most of the night! I kinda like this police stuff, I feel like I am the president or something with secret service around at all times. :) I really don't like our neighborhood. I am so thankful to be moving out to the quiet country in a few short weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 17 weeks
Size of baby: size of a baked potato
Total weight gain/loss: ?
Maternity clothes: bella band!
Gender: Oct. 19!
Movement: None
Sleep: My sleep was weird this week. I couldn't get comfortable and it took me awhile to fall asleep a few nights. I start out on my stomach but end up on my side or back. Still not sure if this is bad or not because the internet certainly doesn't give me a straight answer.
Symptoms: Bloating, I get tired and hungry a lot easier, like working on our house stuff wears me out makes me starve!
What I miss: running, althought this week I ran three miles! But I stopped every mile to tee tee. hehe.
Cravings: BLOWPOPS & mexican. I probably ate 5 blowpops a days this week.
Best moment of the week: Discovering the greatness of the bella band, and Josh talking to the sweet baby through my belly, lol.
What I am looking forward to: GENDER ULTRASOUND!!!!!
I can't believe I am 17 weeks already. 3 more weeks till I am halfway there! It is really been a breeze so far. If all my pregnancies are like this, I may have five kids! Just kidding....


THE Stephanie said...

Oh goodness! That would have totally freaked me out!

Joey would have done the same thing - just flash that badge. And hey, it's nice to have a personal body guard, too, right?

The Phelps said...

you are too funny. This pregnancy should be interesting if you like regular rise stiff jeans.. good luck with that one;)
I am so glad you are finally getting ready to move, but be careful. I am sure you know it but make sure you are staying as hydrated as possible, and dont be stubborn like me and ignore when your body is telling you to take a break.