Wednesday, September 15, 2010

15 weeks & Fabrics

Here I am at 15 weeks! woohoo! I tried to pull the dress tight so you could see my little belly that is growing!

NOW, let's talk fabrics. My mother in law has kindly offered to make the baby bedding! So my mind has been swirling! Now, I am not the best decorator in the world and I will admit it. I am very much left brained (or is it right?) so I just don't have that creative gene. So of course I have been consulting with my "interior designer" aka Addie Atwood :). Addie has been really good at helping me figure out what I want to do with the room and giving me inspiration/ideas. I think it is safe to say that I want to stay away from anything to "babyish". I am not fond of real babyish fabrics or colors. I want a nursery look that is a bit more sophisticated when it comes to the fabric prints, yet still fun and cute! For the girl, I think I am deciding between the first two pictures below, OR the second two pictures: (of course I change my mind all the time, so these fabrics/colors are subject to change :))

I apologize that it is sort of hard to see the fabrics in the photos. When I have made my final decision, I will take better pictures so you can see the entire prints better!
As for the boy, the fabrics have been a lot harder for me. At first, I didn't even know what colors I wanted to use or what direction I wanted to go. Addie has helped me gain some direction, and now I am just sifting through fabrics, hoping to narrow it down! It is gonna be tough to decide, because I am the worst decision maker! :)
I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday this week! I am really excited, but wish it was the gender ultrasound. That won't be for another 4 weeks or so. I got REALLY impatient this week, and was even contemplating calling up the Stork's Vision (a place where you can pay out of a pocket for an ultrasound) so that I could go find out if it was a boy or girl a couple of weeks early! I am doing better now. I am going to try to wait it out, but if my child won't open its legs at my 19 week ultrasound, you better believe I am calling Stork's Vision ASAP and scheduling another ultrasound for the next day :). Any advice on how to get the legs open? hehe
Of course, I can't forget the survey:
How far along: 15 weeks
Size of baby: 4 inches long, the size of a kit kat finger. hehe
Total weight gain/loss: I will find out Thursday! I am sort of scared to find out, lol (because I am convinced I will be one of those people that just gains a lot of weight no matter what you do). But it's all for a good cause :)
Maternity clothes: My pants are pretty tight and getting uncomfortable. I stick to my pants that are loose to begin with and wear dresses for work. Haven't worn the bella band yet but I will soon to make pants more comfy!
Symptoms: This might be TMI but my lady friends that live on my chest whom I affectionately call "Thelma & Louise" - they are starting to grow. I thought that was supposed to happen in the first trimester?! Well, it is happening now. It is more of a slow and steady growth. They don't hurt too bad unless I am trying to do my run/walk things. They just feel really heavy and firm. Hehe.
What I miss: Eating cold deli meat, shrimp, etc. All the food you are supposed to be cautious of eating.
Cravings: Oreos & milk - I guess my cravings have changed and the sweet tooth has returned! Maybe I AM having a girl now! At least the milk is good for the baby :). I also crave cold deli meat and cheese, dr. pepper, coffee - everything I can't have right now! I know I can have some of it in small quantities, but the thing is, I want LARGE quantities. lol
Best moment of the week: Starting to figure out what I want to do with the nursery! Thanks Ad!
What I am looking forward to: Decorating the nursery, finding out the gender, actually growing a cute pregnant belly and not looking like I just have some pudge around the middle.

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