Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 16

Sorry for the dog pics, I just had to show you how cute they are!

Lookie Lookie I look pregnant! And a couple people have told me the same thing this week, so yippee! Here is something funny : I read that in the next few weeks, I will hit a growth spurt, where the baby will double in size! So don't be alarmed if I grow quite a bit bigger over the next few weeks :). After all, I am only 4 weeks away from being HALF WAY THERE!
So, what's new around the Reid household? For starters, we have been working really hard at painting and getting our house ready to MOVE IN!! We hope to be in by the beginning of October - and we still have a looooong way to go. So much to paint paint paint.
I was "googling" online, inquiring about whether or not it is safe for pregnant woman to paint. Consensus? YES, IF you are beyond your first trimester and you are using a latex based paint. One thing I have learned from being pregnant is that googling things online is just not good. It is better to just ask your doctor. There are SO many opinions out there, that if you try to search for answer online, you won't really get anywhere or get a straight answer.
A friend of mine from college had twins last week! Now I have two good friends that have had twins - what are the odds of that!? I was talking to her about pregnancy and she really inspired me/motivated me to keep up my exercise routine. She walked about 3-5 miles everyday during her pregnancy, even the day before she went into labor! She also did some light upper body strength training. She could not express how much she thought the exercise helped not only her labor and delivery, but also her recovery. She says she felt like new the very next day and bounced back very quickly! So needless to say, I am very motivated to stay active during my pregnancy. I have been pretty good so far, and make it to the gym probably 3-6 times a week. My activities vary at the gym - sometimes just walking, sometimes a run/walk, sometimes ZUMBA or BOSU class, sometimes elliptical, sometimes incline walking, or sometimes a workout video. I get bored pretty easily so I like to change it up. I also don't like working out for more than an hour, sometimes I only do 30 minutes. I hope that will be enough! I can't wait for cooler weather so I can start exercising outside!! (It is still in the 90's here and I don't want to get overheated with el bebe).
Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 16 weeks
Size of baby: the size of an avocado, 4.5 inches long
Total weight gain/loss: 5 lbs. They assured me at the Dr. this was "normal" - HA. The first trimester you are supposed to gain 3-5 lbs (unless of course you are so sick that you can't keep food down), and I am 3 weeks beyond the first trimester, so I guess I am okay. Oh, and I have an AVOCADO inside me, so that probably has something to do with it :)
Maternity clothes: Not really but I am sure in the next few weeks when the baby hits a growth spurt I will need some :)
Gender: OCTOBER 19th BABY
Movement: None
Sleep: Great! I still sleep on my stomach - is that bad?
Symptoms: Just gaining weight and growing stomach :). My skin was pretty clear this week, but I am knocking on wood...maybe it will clear up for good but I am not counting on it.
What I miss: Runnnnnnning. So many fall races I am not going to get to run in, but I may run/walk them
Cravings: Pickles & cheddar cheese - together, at the same time. I don't think that is a weird craving, but you may think differently.
Best moment of the week: Josh has been working until 10:30 or 11pm this shift period, so when he gets home from I am asleep. He always comes into the bedroom to visit with me, and since I am half asleep I don't really remember half our conversations, but I do recall that he always wants to see my stomach to see if it has grown any since he last saw me ( we don't see each other much). I think that is just precious!
What I am looking forward to: BOY OR GIRL?!

1 comment:

The Phelps said...

oh I love it. I remember being 16 weeks and thinking I was so big-haha I was so wrong. I agree these next few weeks are a growth spurt, I am eager to see week 20.
And I totally agree with your friend on working. Work out until you cant. I actually had a friend who ran 5 miles the day before she went into labor, and the day of she was outside mowing her acre lawn with a push mower(thats alittle crazy) but she said she was ready to go the next day.
Yes you are completely correct on googling, and even once baby reid is born googling is dangerous!
Josh is so sweet! I have admit a little jealous;)
Keep up the good work hun you are doing awesome and so stinkin' cute!