Thursday, October 14, 2010

19 weeks

Yes, I know, I told you I got big fast! That "growth spurt" I said was coming sure did. Now in my defense, I PROMISE that the kind of dress I am wearing in the above picture makes me look really big. When I wear other clothes, the belly does not appear as large. It's weird. You'll see next week! I have been comparing myself to other pregnant people who are about as far along as me. Sometimes that makes me feel better about my size, sometimes not. Really I shouldn't compare because everyone is different. But seriously, some girls are 20 weeks and have only gained THREE pounds!! Come on people. You are halfway through your pregnancy, shouldn't you have gained a little bit more than that for the health of the baby? My nurse said I should gain between 30-35 lbs. And it's not like I sit there and TRY to gain weight and eat and eat and eat and sit on my butt all day. The weight gain just happens no matter what - I am growing a human.
I had to laugh, because said these exact words: "Think you're big now? You'll start growing even faster in the weeks to come."
Haha, oh so much to look foward to.
How far along: 19 weeks
Size of baby: size of a large heirloom tomato
Total weigth gain: too much! I think I gained like 3 lbs overnight. Maybe it is just water weight...yeah, that is what I'll tell myself
Maternity clothes: I like maternity pants. I am pretty sure I will wear them for the rest of my life!
Gender: Find out in less than a week! In some ways, I can't believe the time has already come.
Movement: none :( starting to wonder if there is still a baby in there!
Sleep: I have transitioned to sleeping on my side and back. It's not so bad. I sleep good and still get irritated when I have to get up to go to the bathroom.
Symptoms: LARGE and in charge belly. i think my back side is growing just as fast as my front side. acne. you name it.
What I miss: running
Cravings: Can't really think of any this week.
Best moment of the week: uhhhh I should change this category to freak out moment of the week - freaking out that I am getting big too fast, gaining too much, you name it.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out if my little one is a boy or girl! Pray that they open their legs this coming Tuesday at 8am!
I have been stressing out a lot these past few weeks. I am planning a HUGE conference at work for next week where nothing is going right because people don't do their jobs and meet deadlines after being reminded repeatedly, trying to pack a house up and move, carrying a baby, dealing with other family issues, etc. Then I start stressing that my stress will hurt the baby. Please pray that I make it through these next few weeks. I just want October to be OVER! I am glad I have one thing to look forward to next week, and that is seeing our sweet babe on the ultrasound! Yay!

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