Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Three Months Emma Kate!

Emma Kate, you are THREE months old! You turned 3 months old on June 11, so I am about a week late getting this post up. You have changed so much in just a week! But those changes will come with your month post:)

You are getting so big and your hair cracks me up in this picture! :)

You seem a little unsure of this picture, or just tired of having your picture taken. I swear you give me some big smiles but the second the camera comes out you don't smile anymore! It's like you some how KNOW.

You have changed a lot this month. Here is what you have been up to:

You wear a size 1 diaper and size 3 month clothes. Some 3 months are STILL big. Little squirt.

-You are in the 9th percentile for height & weight, and 40th for head size.

-You weigh about 11.2 pounds. Still my little pipsqueak, but if you continue to act STARVING and eat more like you have in the last few days, I predict this month you will have a larger weight gain!

-You are holding your head up REALLY good! Pretty soon I think we have a full time head holder.

-You still hate tummy time, but you are pretty good at pushing up and looking around. We do a make-shift tummy time and lay you on our chest and you poke your head up like a turtle.

-You went through a phase where you didn’t like to be held, but it is getting better. You will let people hold you if they hold you the right way, which is usually facing out, ha.

-You now have to be FED the right way. Sometimes we can hold you and feed you, but sometimes we have to face you out. Sometimes you will only be fed in your bouncer, sometimes on our legs, etc. sometimes we can’t figure it out!

-You have laughed a couple of times. It is precious and really sounds more like a cough J

-Your smiles get bigger and bigger by the day

-You are eating a little better. You eat about 6-7 times a day, anywhere from 2-5 oz. You are now averaging about 22 ounces in a given day, and the doctor calculated that you should get 25 oz but she is not worried. Your eating is still not consistent, but this month we are going to work on consistency with the eating schedule and amount. You are doing so well health wise and with your reflux, so it’s time for a good schedule. I think it would be nice to have some predictability J

-You are still sleeping good at night. You sleep about 7-8 hours, going to bed at 10 and up at 6:30. We traveled in May, and that screwed up your schedule a bit and you had about a week where you decided to wake up at 3, 4, or 5am. Luckily I got you back in the groove of a 6:30 wake time. Actually, I have to go in and wake YOU up sometimes. I anticipate this month we will start moving your bedtime earlier, so that you get some more sleep in. But we aren’t quite ready to drop a feeding, so we will just move your bedtime back a bit closer to the previous feeding and have two feedings closer together.

-Your precious hair has really started to fall out! I blame the bad case of cradle cap you had. The scabs attached to your hair and so your hair got trapped in the scabs. When a scab falls off, your hair goes with it. The funny thing is, the bad scabs are only right on top of your head around your soft spot. So you will go bald there and look like an old man! I don’t know what to do. I know it’s not a big deal, and I assume I will just cover your head with bows and hats J. Grow, hair, grow!

-You are still a cat napper, but the past few days I have gotten you to take a long morning and long “early evening” nap so you are doing better!

-Right around 12 weeks you really started to improve reflux wise. It doesn’t bother you much so we think the Elecare formula finally healed your insides and the reflux was a side affect of your milk protein and soy allergy. Yippe! We may be able to wean you off Zantac in a month or two.

-You are still amazing at falling asleep at night on your own. I put you in your bed pretty wide awake at 10pm and it is pitch black, yet you just look around and then close your eyes. Now naptime is a different story. You don’t like napping in your crib too much….I think you would rather nap in your bouncer. I have started napping with you in my bed for the early evening nap so that you will sleep longer. This month we will work on a bedtime routine, and maybe you will be interested in me reading a book to you instead of gazing around after a minute? Ha

-You are easily entertained by the TV and will sit and watch it forever. I know it is not good for you to watch a lot of TV, so we only do it sparingly when I REALLY need to get something done.

-You don’t really have an interest in toys yet.

-You are starting to drool. Does this mean teething is on the horizon? I love little baby teeth! I didn't get my first tooth until 6 months, but I think your dad did earlier and you take after him.

-You enjoy your play mat because it lights up.

-You still really like mirrors. We finally put one in the car and it keeps you quiet for a good long while.

-When you get excited you start smiling real big and kick your legs

-You HATE taking your medicine and scream bloody murder everytime.

-You still aren’t good at keeping the paci in. You chomp instead of suck. Thank God for the wubba nub! It helps you keep it in and you are still obsessed with it. I forgot it the other day when we went to walmart and it was awful. I had to put a bottle in your mouth so you could use it as a paci. Ha!

-You still love your bath and we just recently took the sling out!

-You have started crying now when you get your diaper changed.

-You have started GRABBING your head and rubbing the sides of your head when you are tired (this is also not good for your hair loss, as you have rubbed bald spots on the sides of your head too hehe). You sleep with your hands up by your head or resting on your head. It is so cute and one of my favorite things!

-Your eyes have gotten lighter blue this month! So pretty.

-We took your small head support out of your carseat this month.

-You like looking at other babies and have had some fun interactions with some this month! I think you will enjoy preschool in the fall.

-Emma Kate, we love you so much and LOVE this age! I think I am going to be saying that each stage is my favorite. It is such a joy to watch you learn and discover new things and watch the world through your eyes.

And just some extra pics for good measure: :)

Hanging out with her twin (except for the eye color) aka Daddy! They are even making the same face in the picture!

Look who one day decided to sleep on me?! Err...I sorta had to "place" her there, she would NEVER fall asleep on me like that.

Cute little ducky after her bath:

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