Tuesday, January 4, 2011

31 Weeks

I made it to 31 weeks! I can't believe we are down to "single digit weeks'" now! I am doing okay, some days I feel better than others. I always wonder how I can possibly get any bigger, but I know I will. Emma is already weighing in at 3 lbs, but that was about 3 weeks ago so I bet she weighs 4 lbs by now! Does that mean she is gonna be a big baby? I have no idea. That is neither here nor there.

I have Dr. Appt and Ultrasound next week. These Dr. appt's are coming so frequently now! I love it. Although, I probably won't love it because I think I am going to start getting my cervix checked. I especially love seeing baby Emma Kate on the Ultrasound screen and collecting a plethora of pictures. I just realized I have not shown anyone these pictures, but that would require scanning. I will try to do that soon so you can see her sweet face and try to determine who she looks like in-utero.

In other news, I went to the hospital the other night. I thought I was doing sooo good as a pregnant woman who has not freaked out and went to the hospital yet or called the doctor all the time. Well, I started having contractions. They were frequent, about every THREE minutes and lasted about a minute. After extensive googling with Josh, we decided that they weren't Braxton Hicks because they were happening too frequently and had already lasted about two hours. So we go to the hospital and got whisked up to labor and delivery. It turns out my contractions were not *intense* enough to be real labor contractions. They weren't that painful, just uncomfortable. But how am I am supposed to know that as a first time pregnant woman? I didn't know any better. Better safe than sorry! I was told to go home, drink LOTS more fluids, rest, and take some benadryl. They eventually stopped. And at my next Dr. Appt I found out the cause of the contractions, but we won't go there....it is not blog appropriate :)

The nursery has not even been started yet. Yep, you heard that right. We only have 9 weeks to do it, so I hope it gets done! We have been really busy with the holidays and trying to finish up some other projects...Josh is a saint and volunteered to do a little woodworking project to donate to a silent auction but thankfully has finally finished! My mother in law is coming January 22 to work on the curtains and bedding. I am going to attempt to sand and paint the dresser and end tables this weekend while Josh installs new trim, doors, and begins to paint the nursery. I guess we will see how far we get. I bet we will be done in about a month, but we need to do the same stuff to the guest room/office! I am getting huge so I am not sure how well my furniture sanding will go....we'll see! I just want to help in any way I can so it gets done faster.

The above pictures are from Lauren's beautiful wedding (very top picture was taken yesterday because I was asked for a recent belly pic)! While Josh and I were in Missouri for the wedding, we were given a beautiful baby shower. I am going to do a separate posts on the baby showers soon. It was great seeing friends and family, but it was a looooong trip. I don't know if we will drive that again.

It has been a great holiday season and I couldn't help but just feel sooo blessed and teary eyed the entire time. Love you all!

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