Wednesday, November 3, 2010

21-23 weeks recap

I am so behind on these posts! This picture is from when I was bout 22 weeks but I am now almost 23 weeks. I don't think I will have a 21 week picture :( but I will be sure to make my friends take my 23 week this weekend! I can't believe I am almost SIX MONTHS pregnant! Yay! But then I remembered pregnancies technically are 10 months (40 weeks) so that's a bummer. I am hoping Emma will come early. I was two weeks early and I was my mom's first baby, also a we shall see :).

I am getting so tired of the pregnancy survey so I will just tell you all how I am feeling/doing. I finally started to feel Emma move this week! I was getting so worried but sure enough I can feel her now. The feeling is weird. I don't feel distinct kicks yet, but more of an "all over" fluttery feel. There is definitely something swimming around and I can feel it! She doesn't keep me up at night - YET. I am sure the day will come when her swift rib kicks will wake me up, but for now, I will enjoy my sleepy time.

I have had a bit too much fun lately with my sweet tooth being back. Bring on the halloween candy, cookies, cake! Yikes! My pants sure are feeling the difference. I will wait and see if my doctor scolds me tomorrow for putting on too much weight. I now don't like to wear the bella band with regular pants because it is more comfortable to be in maternity pants or leggings. I am going to have to stock up! I am finding my wardrobe is quickly diminishing, even with tops. I thought I had all these tops that I could wear while pregnant, but that is NOT the case. You don't realize how big your belly gets and sometimes the tops aren't cut or sewed right to look good on your pregnant belly. I need more tops too!

Josh is still being so sweet with Emma. He doesn't read the blog so I know I can talk about him without getting embarrassed :). He talks to her ALL the time, calls her by name, and she still gets lots of kisses and love. He tells her goodnight and that he loves her every night when we are being tucked in (he goes to work about 10pm now so we haven't been sleeping at the same time 5 nights a week). Yes, I still get "tucked in" by my husband :). Oh, and now that she has started moving, he finds it REALLY funny to try to talk to her, rub, or shake her to wake her up and get her to move around and annoy me. It is kinda funny, but I am sure one day it won't be when her kicks actually start hurting and keep me awake! Josh has plans to make all sorts of furniture and toys for Emma. I think first up on the list is a cute little toy chest to hold some toys. That little girl is going to keep him busy. I was daydreaming the other day and couldn't help but smile at the thought of him coaching her in tee ball or soccer one day. I am so excited! I can't wait until she is here!

This week I got asked by a stranger for the first time "when I was due". It was an awkward moment because I was sort of shocked and taken aback. I was a bit sarcastic and answered , "oh, how did you know"? Then I quickly realized that I shouldn't have been like that to a stranger! They were just trying to be nice. I tried to redeem myself but it just made for an awkward conversation. She did tell me I looked cute over and over. I left the conversation feeling excited because now I must actually look PREGNANT and not just like I could have a little extra cushion around the middle. Hehe. Finally done with the awkward stage. My belly has really grown!

In other news, we are sleeping in our NEW house! We still haven't got everything moved out of the old house. That is the bad thing about having another house in the same town that isn't sold yet or being rented just yet - you get lazy and leave stuff over there and say "oh, we'll just get it another day". What a pain! Josh says he will get all of it out this week/weekend, but we'll see. While he works on that, I will enjoy a lovely weekend of celebration with one of my best friends! It's wedding shower and bachelorette time! Yippee.

1 comment:

The Phelps said...

You are so stinky cute, and little! Price is not feeling good so we are hanging out, so hopefully she will help me put your package together that has tops in it!
I love that Josh is so sweet. The best time was when I would try and "cuddle"-as close as you can get with a huge belly and he would wake up in the middle of the night and move away, I would ask why he was doing that and he would reply because they keep hitting me and waking me up right when I fall asleep. It was so sweet. Enjoy the feeling of kicking, etc, I have to say thats the one thing I miss most about being pregnant.
Love ya hun!