Thursday, June 7, 2012

Months 11 & 12

There were not too many changes these two months, so I decided to combine them!
-At your 12 month checkup, you weighed 18.6 pounds and were 27.5 inches. I think that is about 25% for weight and 10% for height.
-you aren't walking, but love to cruise!
-you still refuse a sippy, but transitioned to whole milk beautifully.  You will only take it warm though - yuck!  I just gave it to you on your first birthday!
- before whole milk, you went from alimentum to SOY formula!  cut our formula bill down for sure!
- you are a pretty good eater!  you LOVE strawberries and rasberries, mac and cheese, any kind of italian food.  veggies are not your favorite.
-you are still taking 2 naps a day and sleeping about 6:30pm-6:30am.
-your favorite word is still BYE, but we think you also say mama, dada, and dog.
-speaking of dogs, you just about LOVE them and hug and kiss all over them.  you let them give you kisses too.
-your first birthday was wonderful, and you loved your cake and opening your presents.  you would hold each present up and admire it or try to wear it:).
-got tubes in your ears just before your 12 months birthday!  you did great and they have helped reduce your infections, but you still got an infection a month later that we cleared up with drops.
-we love you precious little girl!

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