Ok this post is loooooooong overdue. And I also have to write month 5 & 6 considering she is almost 7 months old! Time is passing so fast now. Not gonna lie, it was rather slow at the beginning but it sure has sped up.
Emma Kate, you are FOUR months old. I can’t believe how much you have changed in the last month! Check out your new pictures where you are looking quite adorable with such a cute little personality!
-You weighed 12lbs, 10oz and were 24.5 inches long at your 4 month well check which puts you in about the 20th percentile for both height and weight. You jumped from the 9th to the 20th in one month! You go girl!
-You wear a size 1 diaper and are in 0-3 month and some 3-6 month clothes
-You eat 3-5 oz per feeding which is not on the high side, but you are getting what you need to grow! It varies day to day. Some days you are starving and eat 30 oz total, other days you only eat about 24 oz. You are in the range you need to be in and feedings are no longer a struggle. YAY!
-You have somewhat regulated your feedings and most days we can expect to feed you about every 3 hours now, but you always have your hungrier or not so hungry days. We just go with it – not all babies do well on a strict schedule and that’d be you. Impossible.
-Your naps aren’t very consistent, but getting better. We are slowly working toward 2 long naps (morning and afternoon) and 1-2 cat naps, and I think you’ll get there soon. It is so hard to mandate a schedule when I am not the one caring for you during the day. I can try to tell people what to do but they don’t always do it J
-You nap in your crib quite a bit now and go down with only a little fussing or crying until you get settled. Yay!
-Your sleep hit a bump in the road and you have started waking once during the night. We have tried several things to stop this, but nothing has worked. I have finally just had to adopt the attitude that “it happens”, and you’ll get back on track soon enough. You’ll get it and start sleeping again. Books and websites say that this can happen around 4 months of age because it’s a big developmental period or growth spurt. I have finally learned to just go with the flow and stop trying to analyze why you are waking in the night J (trust me I have analyzed every little thing).
-You rolled over for the first time on July 2 from tummy to back. You haven’t done it much since then, but you get pretty close so I know we are on the brink of having a full time rolling baby!
-You are talking up a storm, sometimes yelling and squealing with delight.
-You are chewing/chomping on everything. Your favorite thing to chomp on is your little lovey or taggy which is so cute.
-You can hold your head up very well now, which makes things a lot easier!
-You love to put weight on your legs and stand up
-We still haven’t got any big giggles or laughs out of you, just fake “cough” laughs, but I know it’ll happen with time. You’ll do everything on your own time! J
-You are SO good at grabbing your toys on your playmat and holding toys
-You have discovered your feet and like to play with them
-You enjoy sitting up in our laps with your head up
-Tummy time still isn’t your favorite, but more tolerable for you now
-We have put you in your high chair and bumbo a lot and you like them.
-You still love your baths and we have moved you from your blue tub to the big girl bathtub that has a little chair you sit in. You love it and just kick kick kick during your baths. Getting out of the bath is getting better as you don’t get as cold.
-You now tolerate your baby Bjorn and love to be carried around facing out in it. Yay!
-Traveling throws you a bit off, as I am sure it does with many babies.
-You still love your carseat and walks in your stroller.
-You don’t grab your head and ears when you are tired, now you rub your eyes and start fussing.
-You have started trying to hold your bottle
Emma, we love you so much!
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